Monday 14 March 2011

Mushroom Risotto Step by Step

A person who doesn't love Risotto is a person not worth knowing! The great thing about Risotto is that you can vary it in so many ways, so whether you are vegetarian, meat lover or pescetarian this dish is perfect. Risotto is very simple to do but it takes a little time, love, patience and alot of stirring. STIRRING is very crucial because it's that movement that gives the rice the soft and creamy texture. This Sunday I made Mushroom Risotto. Come with me in the rice transformation into beatiful Mushroom Risotto!

Ingredients  4 persons 

• approx 7 dl stock (chicken, fish or vegetable as appropriate)- I chose chicken
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 large onion, finely chopped
• 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
• 200g Vialone Nano rice or Arborio rice
• 1 dl of white wine (use sweet instead of dry, the sweetness gives a nicer flavor)
• 4 tablespoons freshly grated Parmesan cheese
• 300g mushroom and a knob of butter to fry them with
• Parsley, finely chopped and roasted pine nuts for garnish
• Salt (if needed)
• Freshly ground black pepper

Now let's start the cooking!! ( special thanks to the hand model Ms. Man)

Found this beautiful Vialone Nano rice in an Italian deli on Brewer St. But it's perfectly fine to use Arborio rice which you can find in most grocery stores.
Preparation is important. You will soon be busy STIRRING mostly all the time. Chop the garlic, onion, mushroom and parsley.
Grate the parmesan and leave it aside.
Heat a large pot and pour in olive oil. Lower the temperature..
...and pour in garlic and onion. Let it fry gently til they get a nice golden color.
Pour in the rice and stir so that the rice soaks up the olive oil.
Pour in the stock. Save about 1-2 dl til later.
Pour in the wine. It's important that the rice does not boil violently, just simmer! Now the gently stirring really starts. You have to stir until almost all the liquid has evaporated. So put on some music and sing along so you won't get too bored.
When the liquid is almost gone in the Risotto pot. Heat up a frying pan. Fry the mushrooms with a pinch of salt and pepper. Don't forget to stir the rice every now and then! When the mushrooms are nice and golden brown leave them aside.
When the stock has evaporated and the rice has a creamy texture, NOT watery, take a taste. The rice should be al dente, if not, add some more of the stock and let it simmer until the rice is ready. When ready, pour in the parmesan and stir. The parmesan is quite salty, but if needed pour a pinch of salt.
Down with the mushrooms and yes you know it by now STIR.
Now the fun part! The arrangement! Be a copy cat or use your own imagination!
Bon Appetit!

1 comment:

  1. Älskar din blogg!! Får cravings varje gång bara.... Du vet inte hur många pizzor jag åt förra veckan för att din pizza såg så god ut, den här veckan blir det väl risotto-vecka istället haha. Snygga naglar förresten!!!! Puss
